Abdurrahman Wahid MiniBiography

Abdurrahman "Addakhil", so his full name. Lexically, "Addakhil" means "the Conqueror", a name taken Wahid Hashim, his parents, from a pioneer who has been plugging the Umayyad dynasty milestone triumph of Islam in Spain. Later the word "Addakhil" is not well known and replaced the name "Wahid", Abdurrahman Wahid, and then more fondly known as Gus Dur. "Gus" is a typical islamic boarding school honor calls to a kiai's son (Islamic religious leaders son) means "brother".
Gus Dur is the first son of six children who were born in East Java Denanyar Jombang on August 4, 1940. Genetically Gus Dur is a descendant of "blue blood". His father, K.H. Wahid Hashim is the son of K.H. Hashim Ash'ari, founder Jam'iyah Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)-the largest Islamic mass organization in Indonesia, and the founder of the Islamic School "Tebu Ireng" Jombang, East Java. His mother, Mrs.. Hj. Sholehah is the daughter of the founder of Pesantren Denanyar Jombang, KH Bisri Syamsuri. Her paternal grandfather was also an NU figure, which became Rais' Aam NU after KH Abdul Wahab Hasbullah. Thus, Gus Dur is the grandson of two NU clerics at once, and the two leaders of Indonesia.
In 1949, when the clash with the Dutch government has ended, his father was appointed as Minister of Religion first of The Republic of Indonesia, so the family of
Wahid Hashim moved to Jakarta. Thus the new atmosphere has been entered. Guests, consisting of the leaders-with a variety of professional fields, which have previously been found in her grandfather's house, continues when his father became minister of religion. This gives a special experience for a child named Abdurrahman Wahid. Indirectly, Gus Dur also became acquainted with the political world had heard of his father's colleagues who often hung in his house.
Since childhood, she has characterized the various cues that Gus Dur will experience a different life line and have a full awareness of responsibility towards NU. In April 1953, Gus Dur went with his father drove to the area of ​​West Java to inaugurate the new madrasas. Somewhere along the mountains between Cimahi and Bandung, his car had an accident. Gus Dur can be saved, but his father died. The death of her father brings its own influence in his life.
In daily life, Gus Dur has a hobby of reading and diligent use of his father's personal library. He was also active in visiting public library
in Jakarta. In their teens Gus Dur has been familiar with a variety of magazines, newspapers, novels and books that are rather serious. The works are read by Gus Dur is not only the stories, the main story and martial arts fiction, but the discourse of philosophy and international documents not escape from their concern for him. In addition to reading, figure this one too happy to play football, chess and music. Thus, do not be surprised if Gus Dur never asked to be a football commentator on television. Another craze, which participated also completed his hobby is watching movies. This penchant caused a deep appreciation of the film world. This is why Gus Dur in the year 1986-1987 was appointed as chairman of the Indonesian Film Festival jury.
Gus Dur's adolescence was spent largely in Yogyakarta and Tegalrejo. In two places this is the development of science began to increase. The next period, Gus Dur live in Jombang, in Islamic Boarding School "Tambak Beras", until then continued his studies in Egypt. Before leaving for Egypt, his uncle had melamarkan a girl for him, namely Sinta Nuriyah,
Haji Muh Sakur's daughter. Marriage performed when he was in Egypt.