A President Bill Clinton adjutant from United States is taking the air in Jakarta. Because confusing and being lost, he later then enquire to a cigarettes seller. Is this really Jalan Sudirman?" "Ho-oh," said the cigarettes seller.
Because of confusion with the answer, he then asked again to a policeman who was directing traffic. Is this really Jalan Sudirman?" The police replied, "Correctly."
Because confusing to get different answer, finally he enquire to Gus Dur which at that time coincidence pass by quickly with its adjutant. "Is this really Jalan Sudirman?" Gus Dur said "Correctness."That adjutant progressively just confuse because getting three different answer. Then finally he enquire to Gus Dur again, why when asking cigarette seller he answered "Ho oh,” then ask the policeman the answered “correct” and answered by Gus Dur with word “correctness"
Gus Dur was stunned for a moment, then he said, "Ooh this way, if you ask graduate primary school then the answer is "Ho..oh", if you are asked to graduate high school then the answer is correct. Meanwhile, if you asked a graduate of the University then the answer is Correctness. "
Clinton's adjutant nodded and finally asked, "So you are a scholar?"
Gus Dur spontaneously answered, "Ho ... oh!"